Finally - as promised Channel Islands Harbor launching next week. I will send completed boat/tower. You guys make a great looking product and I
have attached pics of deck install quality.
Brad Lehman, Pay-LessXchange |
Good Afternoon Shelley,
Long ago, in 2005, I purchased a fishing arch from Atlantic Towers. It has been a wonderful addition to my boat. It still looks great and many people have asked about it. I have now decided to look at a hardtop as a replacement for my long since worn out bimini and side curtains. When I purchased the arch, I believe I saw a hardtop conversion offered. Is the hardtop conversion still available? If so, can you tell me pricing and delivery? Any help and information you can give me is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help, Timothy V. Blazek

To whom it may concern,
My name is Rich Hambrook. I live in St. Louis Missouri. I just finished installing my arch. I spoke to you folks a couple of times in the process and you had asked me to send you some pictures. I am using two big john downriggers (hopefully) as planer board mast. |

Hi Shelley, Here are a couple of pictures from Romania: the boat with the t-top mounted. My cousin is very content with the purchase. We'll try to send you nicer pictures of the boat on the Black Sea in a couple of months (these are taken close to Bucharest a few weeks ago). Best regards, Irina |

Hello Shelley I received the T-Top only 7 days after you ship it from your place. I think the top looks great on my Cappeli 20 Open! Best regards from Norway Lars B.Johansen |

Many thanks I love the top. Long Island Chief Electrical Inspector Anthony Giordano The New York Board of Fire Underwriters |

Here are some photos. I hope you can use some of them. Last night when i was fishing and I should take my boat back to the trailer, a guy talk to me and ask if i got some fish. I said no. But you must get something because I have seen this boat many nights. This is the toughest fishing boat I have seen at Mjoesa, he said... So people notice the t-top. Thank you for helping me with the t-top. Med vennlig hilsen Tarjei Kristiansen |

Shelley, I promised that I would send you pictures when the arch was up. We have taken the boat out fishing a few times since adding the arch & I am pleased to report that it is still there! Your previous customers are correct in stating that the arch is Much Better than expected! The welds are very impressive and the Instructional Video is full of helpful hints. The Box had many holes in it when I received it (I made the truck driver stick around until I thoroughly inspected it), but your shipping department knows how to protect the important parts, not a scratch on it (I would love to be your stretch wrap supplier! I think they used one roll on my arch alone!) Thank you for making a GREAT Product. I hope you enjoy the way your arch looks on my boat! Due to the placement of the Outriggers, I had to mount the arch in the mid section of the flybridge, but I think it looks great! If you need more pics let me know. Capt. Steve Kwarciak |

Dear Shelley as promised I am sending you some photos and my testimonial which is as follows: "This marlin tower was designed by me and mostly by the team of Atlantic Towers via e-mail for a Regulator 29 FS. Measures were taken by Atlantic Towers from a sister ship. Thank you very much for undertaking a project for the other side of the Atlantic. Quality is perfect and customer service was also perfect even after I had received the tower. The hatch was my input and it is a good solution for similar boats. Best Regards from Greece, A.D." |

Shelley, Thanks to everyone involved in the manufacturing of my custom arch. Everyone that has seen it raves about the quality of the work. Added a few pics of the finished product. Thanks again, Capt. Jeff Roye Blackfoot Charters |

Installation was done by Ray and Scott at Treasure Island Marina, Seaford, NY. They did a fantastic job. I am more than satisfied with everything! It was a great addition to my boat. Thank you for making it possible. -Fred Smith, Wantagh N.Y. - Donna |

Sorry for the late response on your letter concerning my Atlantic Towers experience. I purchased a fishing arch from Atlantic Towers and it was a very positive experience. My wife and I installed the tower within the course of one day (it takes a full 8 to 10 hours). It was a great investment because it gives my 21 foot hydra sport a different dimension of look and feel. It houses my radar dome and it is nice to get the fishing rods out of the way during the journey to and from the fishing grounds. You have built a great product and I am very happy with the workmanship that has gone into the materials and design, it has increased the value of my boat! Sincerely, Bill |


Thanks guys, the top looks great on my Boston Whaler 190 Outrage! Kevin Boyer |

Dear Valerie; My name is DeWayne Itson and I purchased your T-Top for my boat that I was building from scratch! Don't know if I will ever do that again but it was fun to build and I am so proud I am like a new daddy. I am very pleased with your product. I installed the t-top myself and I didn't find it difficult. If I can install your t- top then I would think that anyone with any mechanical ability should be able to do it with ease. I was impressed with how neat and clean it appears I marveled at the welds for hours wishing that I could weld like that. I had planned to build my own t-top but I am glad that I went and spent the greenbacks on your product. The t-top makes the boat! ...As I said before I am very pleased with the t-top and I would recommend your product to anyone that needed a good quality t-top for their boat. Here are a couple of pics of my boat that I built from scratch! And the trailer I pulled out of a junk yard cut it up and modified it to fit my boat. Thank you and maybe I might build another one and will need another T-Top or radar arch! Jimmy Itson |

Shelley, you may remember a "pesky" customer from "north of the border". Well, the hard top arrived in November last year and after checking the contents I covered the big cardboard box in plastic and left it resting against the outside of the house for the winter. Last winter we had very heavy accumulations of snow (the most in 30 years or so) and my front yard did not clear until well into April .......... giving plenty of time to decide how to put the top on the boat. Most of the work I did by myself but two of us did the final lift onto the boat and fitting to the supports.
Image 1 shows the boat as it was last year, with a "soft top", as per the information I provided for your design. In summary, I checked the fitting of the struts to the underside of the top first ...... they were a good fit. I then fitted the rear attachment pads to the cockpit wall using your plans as a guide rather than an exact position because control lines and wiring limited interior access. I built a light wood frame in the cockpit to support the top and measured the preferred height of the top, and calculated the required length of the support struts. "I measured twice and cut once". After cutting the aluminum, I put the rear strut into the rear pad and then set the front pad into the front strut, and marked the pad position on the cockpit wall. I removed the struts and drilled and fixed the front pad into its correct position. The same procedure was used on both sides of the cockpit. Image 2 shows the boat after the pads were set, without the struts, and just before the top was lifted onto the boat. The top was lifted into position and rested on the wood frame in the cockpit. The struts were placed into the pads and loose bolted in place, one side at a time. No adjustments were needed so the hardware was set with marine epoxy and the bolts were tightened up. The framework is rigidly attached to the boat and there is almost no flexing of the hull or the top, despite being attached to a very thin aluminum cockpit wall. The boat has been towed at highway speed and it has been driven at cruising speed over moderate wave conditions, and the new top remains secure. In short I am extremely pleased with the design by Don Lucas and I would like to say how much I appreciated your help and explanation where necessary. I hope it will not be necessary to prove itself under storm conditions .......... but we'll see. Summer storms can come up fast in this area and short, steep and breaking waves will be a real test! The navigation light pole (images 3 and 4) is held against the hard top by two short pieces of plastic pipe. The pylon slides vertically in one piece, the other piece is split and slides horizontally along the rim of the hard top. This fitting helps to keep the pylon in position but allows for slight flexing of the top with boat movement. The boat is sometimes used as a race committee boat and a temporary flag mast can be slotted into the black plastic tube strapped to the rear starboard strut of the hard top (image 5).You asked for some pictures when the work was completed ........ my thanks to you and Don, and if you wish to use anything from this email please feel free to do so. Thank you, Peter Sly. |

Shelley, The new top arrived on Friday and it fits perfect! Thank you for all your help. Attached are photos Dave |

Valerie I wanted to tell you that I think your product, price and installation are great. I started with Shelley at the Baltimore show and Tom installed my tower. I never write or call with compliments, but you all deserve it. See photo of tower installed this summer on my 1967 41 Hatteras. Dave Rice |

I thought I would send a quick email to let you know how happy I am with your product. The install was easy and the quality of the product is phenomenal. I have attached some pictures of the finished project. Thanks again! Matt Bush |

Hey there, Just wanted to let you know how easy the installations of your towers are. Our customer purchased one of your towers in February and we installed it on his Striper, along with all of his electronics and Fruno radar system. Below is a slide show of the installation, and a picture you can add to your website. Click Here to View the Slideshow Regards, Karen & Jim Jackson www.jjsboatshop.com *JJ´s Boatshop is now an installer of Atlantic Towers structures. |

Thought I would send photo of install. Purchased TeeTop in a box. Fit very well and nice product. The boat is a 22ft. Ocean Gregor and top really compliments boat. Spent one week fishing down in the sea of Cortez in Loreto Mexico after install. What a life saver. -Dan |

Hello Valerie.........Finally getting around to sending you some pictures of my installation of an Atlantic Towers Hardtop on my 1989 33' Egg Harbor convertible. The pictures show both summer and winter canvas which was done by Sean at Four Seasons Upholstery in Mastic. I completed the installation myself when I was launching boat for the season.
I took delivery in April of the hardtop which was very well wrapped, protected, and delivered by your man in a professional manner. I then mounted the radar and cockpit lighting and ran all wires for them prior to installation. I had a friend give me a hand as well as using the straps from the marina lift to hold top in place while my friend and I marked and drilled holes for the mounting pads.
After measuring three times I finally got the courage to drill into the boat being sure the top was where I wanted it and it was level. Your instructions were very helpful. The only snag was the flybridge railing on rear end of flybridge had to be removed and ran through the hardtop piping but it fit as if I had planned it that way! My compliments on a quality built top that makes my boat look that much better. Have received many compliments and have given many referrals. Would appreciate the boat show tickets and will stop in to say hello. Regards, Bill |

Hey Shelley, Took me and a friend the whole weekend to do it right but here it is on the trailer in my driveway... My Bayliner Ciera 2355 Thanks, Steve and Maria Struppa |